Puñetas en Público

Masturbándose en público desde junio del 2004.

miércoles, agosto 18, 2004

Howard Phillips Stoner

H. P. Lovecraft.
Short story "In the Walls of Eryx"
publicada en Weird Tales [34, No. 4 (October 1939), pp50-68]
chequen esto:

I had encountered at least one of those curious mirage-plants about which so many of our men told stories. Anderson had warned me of them, and described their appearance very closely - the shaggy stalk, the spiky leaves, and the mottled blossoms whose gaseous dream-breeding exhalations penetrate every existing make of mask...Although everything was spinning perilously, I tried to start in the right direction and hack my way ahead. My route must have been far from straight, for it seemed hours before I was free of the mirage-plant's pervasive influence. Gradually the dancing lights began to disappear, and the shimmering spectral scenery began to assume the aspect of solidity. When I did get wholly clear I looked at my watch and was astonished to find that the time was only 4:20. Though eternities had seemed to pass, the whole experience could have consumed little more than a half-hour.

Fuente: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_%28drug_culture%29"


  • At 2:12 a.m., agosto 19, 2004, Blogger Tulio said…

    Jajaajajja, no, yo no conozco nada de las artes negras del aire. Scout's honor.

    Sobre lo otro: no tengo nada que ver con la ropa interior. Es una marca de ropa interior con el mismo nombre que el mío, eso es todo.

    Saludos Dem, sigue xoreando, échale ganitas y mochilas con la del pueblo si no se te cae el cantón.


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